BGL Snowmobile Club
241 West Leyden Rd
Leyden, MA 01337

Club Registration Form

Everyone is welcome to join The Bernardston Gill Leyden Snowmobile Club.

Now you don't have to wait until our jamboree to join! Get you debit or credit card ready and fill out the form below to get started! You don't need to pay online, you could simply fill out the form and send the check or money order to the information provided. We look forward to seeing you on the trails!

Personal Information

Help with Club Functions?*

Snowmobile 1

Snowmobile 2

Snowmobile 3

Snowmobile 4

Liability Waiver

I, the undersigned, waive all rights from accident or injury while riding on trails, or participating in any activities involving the Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts (S.A.M.), local snowmobile clubs, private landowners, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or individual townships of Massachusetts. I fully understand that the sport of snowmobiling involves risk of accident or even death.

Typing in your name below and checking the "I Agree" box represents your signature.

I Agree

17 Years of Age and Under

I, the undersigned, as parent or legal guardian, assume the responsibility for the minor holding this Trail Permit under the regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and M.G.L. Chapter 90B regulating the use of snowmobiles.

Typing in your name below and checking the "I Agree" box represents your signature.

I Agree

Fees below are combined in the form


  • $75 per sled: Thru 12/15/24
  • $90 per sled: After 12/15/24
  • $5 of each sled fee is earmarked for Land Preservation fund and is tax deductible.

Trail and Grooming Donation is optional, but very needed. Please consider adding $20 or more!


Your totals will be calculated on the next page. At that point you can pay for your membership via PayPal (credit or debit card), or you can print the page and mail it with a check to BGL Snowmobile Club, 241 West Leyden Rd, Leyden, MA 01337

You will be asked to submit any payments on the next page.

Please review what you entered before you click the Submit button, and click it ONLY ONCE.